Yeah I have the same.
Long time ago I read someplace that the construct 'I am one of JW' also serves to reaffirm the JW identity every time they say it.
Compare these:
- I am a Catholic
- I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses
1) implies 'I am a Catholic individual'. I am unique. Being catholic is only a part of my whole identity.
2) implies no individual identity. I am part of a group of identical beings. I am a JW, and nothing but a JW. That is my whole identity.
In Dutch the official spelling for one of Bible God's supposed names is Jehova (without the last h). That means that most journalists will write Jehova's Witnesses orĀ Jehova Witnesses. And to me that always reaffirmed they were biased against (formerly) us, as they even failed to write the religion's name properly. Yeah, relidiculous, I know...